The Site Director/On-Site Program Coordinator will determine the seriousness of the offense and issue the appropriate warning to the participant, and inform us of action taken. We will in turn pass the related information onto the Home University.

a. Drug free policy & supervision

NOTE: It is illegal to carry and/or consume drugs in China. If student refuses to abide by this law, police may be notified and this may result in imprisonment of the student.

b. Alcohol free for students under the age of 20 c. Intoxication d. Abusive/discriminatory language e. Aggressive and violent behaviour f. Smoke free environment g. Dismissal Policy

The dismissal of a participant is a drastic action that can and should be avoided whenever possible. By screening our participants and by providing clear expectations, and clear expectations for conduct, most of these cases can be avoided. However, when the case does arise that a participant must be dismissed it becomes imperative that all members of the organization communicate effectively and act in accordance with the policies defined. Site Directors/On-Site Program Coordinator should act according to these policies.

Our policies and signed contract with each participant state the following in regards to participant expectations and dismissal:

By joining a Program, the participant assumes certain obligations to us, our community and other program participants. If Site Directors determine a participant fails to meet the behavioral expectations set out in this contract, that participant will be asked to leave the program. Participants asked to leave under these circumstances will not receive a refund. In addition to other program responsibilities, as participants, participants are responsible for:

Participants not adhering to this code of conduct are engaged in one or more of the following:

Some examples of actions or behavior that could lead to dismissal:

Disciplinary/Dismissal Decision­- Site Directors/On-Site Coordinators are responsible for the first steps of any dismissal in coordination with the University/school Faculty. Site Directors/On-Site Program Coordinator are urged to be firm and to think of what is in the best interest of our company and its mission, as well as the best interests of the host community. Site Directors/On-Site Program Coordinators should be well versed in the pre-program materials and know what is expected of participants so as to appropriately handle inappropriate behavior. Each participant should be given every fair opportunity to succeed. Apart from that, it will not be considered a failure on the part of a Site Director/On-Site Program Coordinator if a participant is dismissed, provided that the prescribed course of action has been followed.

Disciplinary/Dismissal Process

Minor offence Major offence or repeated minor offences

Documentation­- It is extremely important that staff document all of the steps in the process as outlined above to have legal liability for our actions. Documentation will help make decisions easier. Emails and letters must be written in a professional manner. Side comments about the participant’s behavior are always welcome but should not be included in any formal emails that provide behavior updates and/or requests for dismissal. Site Directors/On-Site Program Coordinators maintain a file for each participant on site at any given time. Paper files are locked. Digital files are private and backed-up in a private place as well. As information is generated, it is kept in a participant’s file.